
Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

0760-8570 8286

0760-8570 8286

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Guangdong Lobos Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0760-8570 8286
Zip code: 528 441
Mobile: +86 139 2293 5132
E-mail: margaret@gdlobos.com
Web site: haosf456.com
Add: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China


  • Welcome to our company

    Welcome to our company

    Hello, welcome to our company Our company is a company specializing in the production and processing of plastic accessories and mold manufacturing. Our customers are both in the mainland and abroad, and the processed products can meet the requirements of foreign imports. Welcome to consult, thank you!

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  • The original company has been transferred, and now Dongguan new company is use...

    The original company has been transferred, and now Dongguan new company is use...

    To customers & Suppliers:Due to business production and other reasons, the original Shenzhen lebos Technology Co., Ltd. was transferred, and all the original staff of the original companys equipment were relocated to langxing Industrial Park, No. 18 (2A on the first and second floors of No. 2 plant), Zh...

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Wave,No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China


0760-8570 82860760-8570 8286

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Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China
Tel: 0760-8111 6506 
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