
Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

0760-8570 8286

0760-8570 8286

Com***ition module and function characteristics of pure water treatment equipment

Generally, the pure water equipment system is composed of the following modules: raw water pump, raw water tank, quartz sand filter, activated carbon filter, security filter, softener, EDI, reverse osmosis, polishing mixed bed, etc. In order to let you have a comprehensive understanding of pure water equipment system, combined with its 15 years of production experience, pure water No.1 introduces the most commonly used pure water treatment equipment group in industry.


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Wave,No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China


0760-8570 82860760-8570 8286

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Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China
Tel: 0760-8111 6506 
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