
Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guang

0760-8570 8286

0760-8570 8286

We warmly welcome Dovista customers to visit our department for guidance!

On April 4, 2019, our company welcomed Dovista and his delegation to visit and provide guidance. Chairman Lobo with company members warmly welcomed the visiting customers.




The chairman leads the client to visit the workshop.




The chairman leads the customer to know our division's production technology level and development status.




Show core products to customers and explain to customers about core products product production processes and processes.




After the visit, Dovista clients conveyed their sincere gratitude and support for our technology in the production process and company development, and they promised to remain interested in and supportive of its further development. LeBos's steady and long-term growth was made possible by the assurance and support of its customers. LeBoss Technology Co., Ltd. will persist in maintaining compliance with its enterprise development standards and service principles, consistently improving and challenging itself, and offering consumers a more cohesive product and service experience.



  • Welcome to our company

    Welcome to our company

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Wave,No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China


0760-8570 82860760-8570 8286

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Address: No. 1, Hongtong Road, Shazai administrative village, Minzhong street, Zhongshan City, Guangdong China
Tel: 0760-8111 6506 
Copyright © 2012 jh-lobos.com. All Rights Reserved. Guangdong Lebos Technology Co., Ltd.

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